Mazel Tov on Your Acceptance to MITF!

Congratulations on beginning your journey in Israel with Masa! We can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go!

Meet Menashe: A Current Fellow!

Tel Aviv-Rahat 101:

Rahat is the first and largest Bedouin city in the world and only 30 minutes from Be’er Sheva. Founded in the late 1970s, it is populated by more than 45 Bedouin tribes from the Negev Region. Known as “the city of children” with roughly 60% of its population under the age of 18, Rahat and the surrounding Bedouin villages are going through a period of change and modernization as the new generation considers what it means to be Bedouin in the 21st century. While Rahat is a modern city boasting a Bedouin market, a bustling commercial center with restaurants and businesses, and many mosques, it still retains a uniquely Bedouin feel. Camel sightings in the city center, sheep herders and their flocks and the occasional Bedouin tent are a common sight. Just 15 minutes from Be’er Sheva, the capital of the Negev, and 45 minutes by train from Tel Aviv, Rahat is located at the beginning of the Negev Desert with stunning nature and scenery surrounding it. Rahat is a culturally unique city with a warm and inviting community famous for their hospitality.


What our fellows say:

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Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
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Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
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Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
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Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
France flag

Josephine Azoulay

I had the best 6 months of my life! Thank you Masa!
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life

Questions? Contact Sydney | 

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