Mazel Tov on Your Acceptance to MITF!

Congratulations on beginning your journey in Israel with Masa! We can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go!

Meet Menashe: A Current Fellow!

Tel Aviv-Beit Shean 101:

Beit She’an is a small and welcoming city located in the southern Galilee, along the Jordan River Valley. This diverse local community is well known for its warmth, hospitality, and familial atmosphere. With a population of immigrants from North Africa, the Middle East, the Former Soviet Union, and Ethiopia, Masa Israel Teaching Fellows in Beit She’an have the unique opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and Jewish traditions. The breathtaking scenery creates beautiful opportunities for Fellows to hike along the many springs that flow in the nearby valley. One of the biggest attractions in the area, Gan Hashelosha or The Sachne, was named one of the 20 most beautiful sites in the world by Time Magazine, and features natural hot springs that are warm enough to swim in all year. Furthermore, Beit She’an National Park features some of the country’s most significant archaeological finds, dating back to the Bronze Age. Masa Israel Teaching Fellows in Beit She’an receive additional programming benefits and volunteering opportunities courtesy of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and their longstanding relationship with their sister city.

What our fellows say:

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Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
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Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
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Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life
France flag

Josephine Azoulay

I had the best 6 months of my life! Thank you Masa!
Usa flag

Rebecca Herz

Teach English
MITF helped me to refine my teaching skills, learn Hebrew, and become immersed in Israeli society. It was the launch pad to my...
Usa flag

Sara Brownstein

Teach English
Being apart of MASA was one of the best experiences of my life. You get to experinece the amazing country of israel while...
Usa flag

Jamie Lopata

Teach English
MITF overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. It made me feel at home in Israel with people I’ll stay friends with forever.
Usa flag

Daniel Sieden

Teach English
One of the best things I have ever done in my life

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