shabbat in israel

I’ve always cherished those special moments when the world comes to a stop, work takes the back seat, and friends and family become the center of attention. I do my best to create this type of atmosphere in New York every week, but sometimes I wish it was a little bit easier. And I’m definitely not alone when I say that Shabbat in Israel happens more naturally and is built into society in an incomparable way. 

I’ve been working at Masa Israel Journey for the past 3 years, and everytime I speak to our program Fellows about their experiences I get the familiar urge to flock back to Israel. 

We asked our most recent alumni to share with us what their first Shabbat experiences were like in Israel, and I wanted to share their responses with you. (If this just so happens to make you want to return to Israel or visit for the first time ever, by all means. No pressure.) 

Complete this sentence: Shabbat is different in Israel because…

It feels so real there! 

You feel connected to everyone around you, inside and outside your house.

Shabbat is different in Israel because the entire country goes on pause for 25 hours. Regardless of if you’re observant or not, Shabbat feels different in Israel and that’s a special feeling.

Everywhere I went there was a sense of family even if I wasn’t actually related to anyone.

You feel like you are home.

You are never celebrating alone, you’re joining the entire country in taking a break to celebrate Shabbat.

Shabbat is different in Israel because it is the norm and embraced. In America, celebrating shabbat is not a common thing for many Jews and being in Israel, especially at the Kotel, it felt like the tradition of celebrating shabbat was welcomed with open arms and not unique like it is in the States.

Where did you spend your first Shabbat in Israel?


My grandparents’ house.

At the hostel on Argon Street.

My dorm with friends I met.

I spent the first Shabbat in Israel at the Kotel with my program. Having been there previously I instantly got all the girls involved in a dance circle where many other Israelis joined together with us.

How did you prepare for your first Shabbat in Israel?

I went to the Shuk to buy groceries.

Maccabi held a kabbalat shabbat.

Spending time with friends just hanging out.

We got to go to Machaneh Yehuda and explore the shuk a little bit.

We spent the day in Jerusalem and went to the shuk and to the western wall where the host met us to walk us back to his house.

For my first Shabbat in Israel, my friends and I all got ready together and took pictures in the courtyard of our base. My whole program walked together to Yemin Moshe for Kabbalat Shabbat. We all stood at the overlook area near the windmill and it was such a special experience to all be together and to be able to look out into the city. We had shabbat dinner together at the hostel and ended our night with the Nativ tradition of having a tisch. The Shabbat was extremely special as it really set the tone for creating a community within my program. 

Walked to the local grocery store to buy food. Cooked it. Read a few prayers. Drank and ate!

What was your takeaway from Shabbat in general?

Family dinners.

I learned to disconnect more from my daily routine and have made a greater effort after my Masa program.

I learned how to dance!

It’s a time to reflect on your life and yourself in a positive way.

Normally, I love going out to dinner on Friday nights but now I have started to buy food and cook dinner for my whole family to celebrate Shabbat and remember the beautiful country we all love and miss!

Spending time bonding with my new friends all together was special. Getting to explore the shuls in Jerusalem was also fun. Just seeing the way Israel works on Shabbat as a resident and not a tourist.

This didn’t occur during my first Shabbat, but rather I gradually started keeping shabbat by putting away my phone and attending Kabbalat Shabbat services regularly after finding “my shul” in Jerusalem.

It made me feel at home while in Israel. My mom cooks shabbat every week and when I went abroad I really missed home cooked meals and a feeling of family so this shabbat gave that feeling back to me.

The Masa Fellows we asked are from Boston, San Diego, New York, Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, Texas, and more across the country, and they participated in all different kinds of programs (Israel gap year, study abroad, internships, and teaching fellowships) – but they all agree, like we do at Masa, that nothing beats the feeling of Shabbat in Israel.  

Spend Your Shabbat in Israel with Masa!

Looking to spend a few months in Israel? Schedule a call with a local Masa representative to help you find the perfect Masa program for you. While you’re here, we’ll make sure you make the most out of your Shabbatot in Israel!

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