By Chef Chanah Auerbach, Masa Israel Volunteer Alumna

This Passover, stop wasting your energy making matzah-based, kosher-for-Passover versions of your favorite carb dishes. Instead, focus on plant-based, colorful fruit and vegetable dishes that are sure to fill you up and make all of your guests happy!

1. Begin your day with a delicious smoothie!

• 1 cup almond milk (store-bought or homemade*)
• 1 banana
• 1 cup strawberries
• ½ cup blueberries
• ½ cup spinach
• 3 dates
• Ice, or try using frozen fruits and veggies instead!

Blend all ingredients and enjoy!

*Bonus recipe: Homemade almond milk
• 2 cups almonds (soaked overnight)
• 6 cups water

Blend all ingredients.
Strain mixture through a fine mesh cheese cloth. (Reduce, reuse, recycle –use women’s pantyhose instead of cheese cloth!)
Makes 6 cups of milk
Save almond pulp (what’s left in the cheesecloth) for later use
Milk will stay fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days

2. Make Charoset with a Twist!

• 2 cups almond pulp
• 1 Apple, shredded
• ½ cup medjool dates
• ¼ cup almond milk
• ¼ cup dried apricots
• ½ cup dried prunes
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
• Pinch of ground cinnamon

Place all ingredients in food processor and process until they form into a dough-like consistency.

Form into small ball and eat immediately, or back at 350 degrees for 8-12 minutes.

3. (Non) Bake Delicious Cake!


• 1 ½ cups pecans
• 1 ½ cups walnuts
• 1 ½ cups medjool dates
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
• Pinch of salt

Blend all ingredients until they form into a dough-like consistency.
Press pie crust into a nonstick 8” pie pan – press crust along bottom and up the sides of the pan.

• 1 cup cashews, soaked overnight
• 2/3 cup ice
• ½ cup medjool dates
• ¼ cup water
• ¼ teaspoon vanilla
• Pinch of salt

Blend ingredients until smooth.
Let the ice dissolve and then see if you need to add a little more water until reaching a smooth, but thick consistency.
Pour cashew cream into the pie crust, filling 2/3 of the pan.

• Strawberries – sliced
• Bananas – sliced
• *Any fruit of your choic

Garnish the cashew cream with your sliced strawberries and bananas.

Fold the sides of the pie crust over the top of the fruits, to make for a pretty cake.  (If this step is confusing you, just skip it)!

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