By Chef Chanah Auerbach, Masa Israel Volunteer Alumna

3 Delicious Tu Bishvat Recipes from Masa Israel

Spice up your Tu Bishvat holiday with these new recipes and dishes!

“A person is like the tree of a field…” – Deuteronomy 20:19

Tu B’shvat celebrates the birthday of trees; the beginning of the season in which the earliest blooming trees in Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle. The New Year for the trees provides us all with an opportunity to do a little self-reflecting:

– An apple tree produces apples, what can I bring into the world for others to enjoy?
– Am I connected to a warm and nurturing community?
– How can I best live a “fruitful” life?

In my personal life, I am a gourmet living food chef. By eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, I am able to feel more connected to the Land on which I live.  Daily, I try my hardest to help people understand the power of eating living foods. It’s simple: when you eat food that’s alive, you feel alive.

So, this New (tree) year, let’s all live a little more, love a little more, and pay it forward, a little bit more.

Enjoy the following recipes consisting of Tu B’Shvat foods, and check out my personal blog for more ideas!

Much love,

1. Peach Cobbler


1 Pecans
1 C walnuts
1 C medjool dates – soaked
¼ tsp vanilla
pinch Himalayan Pink Salt
2 Tbsp water

Fruit filling
3 peaches – sliced

Mix all crust ingredients together in a food processor until reaching a dough-like consistency.  Press half of the mixture into a spring form pan.  Layer with peach slices.  Add another layer of the crust mixture and layer with more peaches.

2. Chocolate Pudding

3 large ripe avocados
1 C maple syrup/honey
1 C carob powder/cacao powder
1 C water
¼ tsp vanilla
½ lemon – juice online

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until reaching a smooth consistency.  Chill for 30 minutes and eat.  Can also be frozen into popsicles!

3. Apricot Fruit Pie

Pie Crust
1 C oat flour (can use almond flour)
1 C medjool dates – soaked
1 Tbsp orange zest
¼ tsp vanilla
¼ tsp cinnamon
2 Tbsp water

Blend all crust ingredients in a food processor until reaching a dough like consistency.  Place dough into a small (12cm) spring form pan and fill with fruit filling.

Fruit Filling
1 C dried apricots (or other dried fruit)
1 C water

Blend until reaching a smooth, jelly like consistency.  Add filling to piecrust.

Garnish with a sliced persimmon or fresh strawberries! Chill for 30 minutes!


Chef Chanah Auerbach was born and raised in Denver, Colorado.  In 2011 she made Aliyah and is now running her own Health Food Company, Briah. She teaches educational healthy eating cooking classes, provides recipe coaching for individuals with special dietary needs, and hosts private parties.  After losing all of her hair, and becoming ill in 2008 she realized the importance of taking care of her body, with the food she puts into it.  Rambam taught her, through a healthy body, she can be closer to Hashem.  Living foods, became her tool to become close to Hashem, and to be able to give back to those in need.

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