By Axel Angeles


Doing a Masa Israel program is more than just going back after birthright, it’s actually experiencing the REAL Israel. It’s an actual journey! You will make friends from literally all over the world, see and feel things that are not found anywhere else, and you will want to keep coming back for more. 


So enough of us trying to convince you to live your life or even get experience for your career, this time we will let our participants show you what this “journey” is all about. Follow these Instagram accounts to get the real deal from food to places you never even knew existed! 


1. @whatwouldjulieorder


Participant: Julie Deutsch
Program: Career Israel


2. @kirilltrukhin


Participant: Kirill Trukhin
Program: Masa Tlalim


3. @tatianaitskova


Participant: Tatiana Itskova
Program: Betar Mabat


4. @davidjozef


Participant: David Jozef
Program: Top Israel Interns

5. @roo222


Participant: Rachel Schwartz
Program: Career Israel

6. @syrbrs


Participant: Ben Slutzky
Program: Israel By Design

7. @stasykh


Participant: Anastasiia Khodyrieva
Program: PMP Nativ Technion

8. @vainer91


Participant: Ariel Vainer
Program: Lej Leja


To learn more about Masa Israel and the programs we offer, click here.

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