Ariel University – B.A.

Ariel University
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About The Program

Study in Israel
Min - between 6-8 months
University Dorms

Ariel University invites you to experience the educational system in Israel, learn about its culture, history, and way of life. Masa's academic programs offer an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, gain experience, and make valuable connections.

The Masa B.A. academic programs at Ariel University are offered in the following fields:

·        The International Medical Sciences Program (Pre-Med, BSc in English)

·        BSc in Physics (in English)

The International Medical Sciences Program (Pre-Med, BSc in English)

The Masa program includes first-semester courses from the full three-year undergraduate program: General and Analytical Chemistry; General Physics; Mathematics; Introduction to computational sciences; Introduction to Sociology; Introduction to Psychology.

The full program of study consists of a unique curriculum that spans three years, with a focus on a blend of STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), biological sciences, and social sciences.

BSc in Physics (in English)

The Masa program includes first-semester courses from the two-year Master's degree studies + intensive Hebrew courses (500 hours of study in Ulpan).

Academic courses include: Physics (Mechanics); Linear Algebra; Mathematical Physics; Physics Laboratory

Included in both programs:

·        Lectures and seminars on the history and culture of Israel

·        Excursions in Israel and student activities

·        Accommodation in a student dormitory on the campus of Ariel University

At the end of each program, participants have the opportunity to continue their studies by taking into account the academic courses they have already completed. 

Ariel University also offers programs in Russian and French. Detailed information about these programs is provided in "Study Tracks".



Additional Information:


Study Tracks

Check out the various opportunities available on this program! Click on the program names below for more information on each track and to find out which is right for you. When you’ve found the one you’re interested in, go ahead and fill out the “more info” form - a program representative will be in touch with you shortly.

Mathematics Masa – BA

Цель программы – предоставить возможность участникам проекта Masa, желающим начать обучение на первую степень, попробовать свои силы и плавно интегрироваться в академическую среду Израиля.

Продолжительность программы 6 месяцев

Программа Masa включает курсы первого семестра от трехлетней программы бакалавриата с углубленным изучением алгоритмики + интенсивные курсы иврита (500 часов обучения в ульпане).
Академические курсы в рамках программы: Введение в комбинаторику; Аналитическая геометрия; Математический анализ.

Критерии приема на программу:

• Возраст: 18 — 26 лет
• Наличие аттестата зрелости со средним баллом 80 (по 100-бальной системе), включающего дисциплины: математика, физика, английский язык, а также химия/биология.
• Индивидуальное собеседование
• Достаточный уровень английского языка

При условии продолжения обучения на бакалавриате по окончанию программы, остаток первого года обучения проводится на русском, со второго года обучение проводится на иврите.

Условия для продолжения учебы по окончанию программы Masa:
• Успешная сдача экзаменов по предметам академической программы
• Завершение ульпана с уровнем Бэт с минимальной оценкой 80 (из 100)
• Достаточный уровень английского языка

Медицинская страховка и проживание в студенческом общежитии включены в стоимость программы Masa.

BSc in Physics Masa

The goal of Masa at our university is to provide participants with a unique opportunity to start their studies in Israel.

The Masa program includes first-semester courses from the three-year undergraduate program + intensive Hebrew courses (500 hours of study in Ulpan).

Academic courses include: Physics (Mechanics); Linear Algebra; Mathematical Physics; Physics Laboratory. These courses are conducted in English.

Admission criteria for the program:
• Age: 18 – 26 years
• A matriculation certificate or diploma equivalent with an average grade of 80 or above (on a 100-point scale), including courses in mathematics, physics, English and chemistry / biology.
• Individual Interview
• Fluent English

After completing the Masa program, participants will have the option to continue their studies while getting credit for the courses they completed during the program.

Conditions for continuing studies after completing the Masa program:
• Successful completion of academic exams
• Completion of Level 2 “Bet” ulpan with a minimum score of 80 (out of 100)

If participants choose to continue their Master’s degree studies after completing the program, the remainder of the first year will be conducted in English. From the second year studies will be conducted in Hebrew.

Programmes de licences Pré-Médecine et d’Ingénieur

Tout nouveau programme à l’université de Ariel:

1. Etudier médecine en israel ? 🧑🏼‍⚕️
C’est possible !!
Pre-med le programme qui te permet d’acceder à la médecine en israel sans passer par la case psychométrique .

2. Devenez ingénieur en Israël sans passer par la case psychométriques !!!🤓

💡Pas besoin de psychométriques ni de mivhan yael
💡Cours de la première année d’étude en français valides dans le cursus universitaire
💡Oulpan intensif
💡Encadrement complet et suivi en français

Economics and Business Administration Masa-BA

Цель программы – предоставить возможность участникам проекта Masa, желающим начать обучение на первую степень, попробовать свои силы и плавно интегрироваться в академическую среду Израиля.

Продолжительность программы 6 месяцев

Программа Masa включает курсы первого семестра от трехлетней программы бакалавриата + интенсивные курсы иврита (500 часов обучения в ульпане).
Академические курсы в рамках программы: Математика для экономистов; Введение в микроэкономику; Межличностные процессы в управлении; Статистика для экономистов; Введение в маркетинг; Академический иврит.

Критерии приема на программу:
• Возраст: 18 — 26 лет
• Наличие аттестата зрелости со средним баллом 80 (по 100-бальной системе), включающего дисциплины: математика, физика, английский язык, а также химия/биология.
• Индивидуальное собеседование
• Достаточный уровень английского языка

При условии продолжения обучения на бакалавриате по окончанию программы, остаток первого года обучения проводится на русском, со второго года обучение проводится на иврите.
Условия для продолжения учебы по окончанию программы Masa:
• Успешная сдача экзаменов по предметам академической программы
• Завершение ульпана с уровнем Бэт с минимальной оценкой 80 (из 100)
• Достаточный уровень английского языка

Медицинская страховка и проживание в студенческом общежитии включены в стоимость программы.

The International Medical Sciences Program (Pre-Med, BSc in English)

The Masa program includes first-semester courses from the full three-year undergraduate program: General and Analytical Chemistry; General Physics; Mathematics; Introduction to computational sciences; Introduction to Sociology; Introduction to Psychology.

The full program of study consists of a unique curriculum that spans three years, with a focus on a blend of STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), biological sciences, and social sciences.

Admission criteria for the program:
• Age: 18 – 26 years
• A matriculation certificate or diploma equivalent with a minimum grade point average of 87 out of 100 (excluding bonus points), or with a minimum grade point average of 83 (excluding bonus points), plus the results of the SAT/ACT/Psychometry.
• Individual Interview
• Fluent English

After completing the Masa program, participants will have the option to continue their studies while getting credit for the courses they completed during the program.

Conditions for continuing studies after completing the Masa program:
• Successful completion of exams in courses from the academic program
• Sufficient level of English

If participants choose to continue their undergraduate studies after completing the program, all further courses will be conducted in English.

About Ari’el

Ariel is known as an ancient city with biblical and spiritual roots. As the capital of Samaria, Ariel is home to the 3,000 year old ruins of an ancient Jewish city, stalactite caves, Eshel Hashomron Hotel – the only hotel in Samaria, and the famous tombs of biblical figures. Aside from its rich history, Ariel is a university city known for its diversity: Jews, Arabs, secular, observant, recent immigrants, and born-and-raised Israelis. Ariel also brings Israelis and Palestinians together to work side by side at the Ariel Industrial Park and at the many sports centers and fields that make up much of the city’s culture.
A little over half an hour away from Tel Aviv, Ariel offers attractions within its city limits as well as past them – take the time to explore Israel from this biblical city.

When Are You Coming

*Please Note: The prices that appear for each program are before a Masa grant or scholarship is applied

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After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

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