Traveling to Israel in 2022

It’s true, traveling isn’t an option. For most.

Masa Israel Journey, however, is living in a different reality; one in which young people can travel to Israel and live out their wildest dreams exploring the country and expanding their lives after such a monumental pause. With a mask and proper social distancing, of course. 

How to Travel to Israel (in 2021)

Masa offers many ways and reasons for you to travel to Israel in 2021 (and none of them include having to speak Hebrew): 

If you’re a student and are studying remotely 

Why not do it from Tel Aviv instead? You have a few options here: with the time difference from Israel, your classes would most likely be during evening hours, meaning you can spend your days in Israel at an internship in the field of your choice and get a jump-start on your career path. 

If you’d prefer to devote all your efforts to your studies, Masa Remote Study lets you do just that: continue taking your classes online (nothing’s changed here) and live in Israel for the semester with students like yourself, hanging out, traveling, learning Hebrew, volunteering, and more. 

If you’re a young professional looking to work in Israel

…and you just miss meeting people, traveling, and generally having an interesting life, apply for Masa Remote Israel. On our newest program, fitting for the times, you get to keep your job and salary and come to Israel for 4+ months, joining a community of digital nomads who have all been waiting to travel to Israel. You’d pay only the cost of rent and get: housing (they’re beautiful), a workspace, a whole set of new global friends, trips around the country, volunteering opportunities, and the list goes on and on. 

If you lost your job during the pandemic 

Now’s the time to take advantage of the opportunities you do have. Have you considered starting off in another career path? Honing your skills in your current career path while you search for new jobs? Applying for an internship in Israel through Masa could very well be your answer. We offer internships in every field with top Israeli companies that last from 4-10 months with the option of getting hired and extending your stay with a work visa. Hey, if this year has taught us anything, it’s that you really never know. 

If you want to take a break from all of that instead and clear your head, we offer a wide range of Israel volunteer programs that you can check out here.

Masa gives you the opportunity to live your best life, no matter the circumstances. Now that you know traveling to Israel is not only an option but also a recommendation… what are you waiting for? Apply today.

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