Masa is the Hebrew word for a journey.

The State of Israel makes many efforts to help young Jewish people, living outside Israel, to connect with the nation state, the homeland of the Jewish people.

One such effort is ‘Masa Israel Journey,’ the largest immersive, long-term educational experience for young adults, ages 18-30.

On its programs, lasting from two-months to a year, Masa offers an authentic, unmediated and challenging journey into the fabric of Israeli society. There are covered subjects such as culture, politics and history. Masa acts as the largest pipeline for the Jewish diaspora to access the finest Israeli businesses, social enterprises and academic institutions.

Founded in 2004, by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and The Jewish Agency, Masa Israel Journey has served over 130,000 young Jewish people from more than 60 countries.

On January 30th, 2019, Masa launched a new effort to get more participants in its program; the ‘Masa Innovation Forum,’ highlighting Israel as driver and home for jobs of the future.

In a Los Angeles hall, at the Luxe Hotel in West Los Angeles, full of high-profile entrepreneurs, civic and faith leaders, philanthropists, and young professionals, a timely, first-ever Masa Innovation Forum, evening took place, focusing on the economies and careers of the future.

Along with panel discussions and interactive breakout sessions, the participants explored current and future innovations and developments, in a range of industries from entertainment and finance, to technology and health care. The specific focus is on how connections to a long-term experiences in Israel can help Americans, mainly Jewish, of working-force age, find a great and greater professional success.

Masa Innovation Forum and Israel as Driver and Home for “Jobs of the Future”

A new entity, Masa Innovation Fund, will provide venture capital to support start-ups, founded by Masa participants and alumni.

Masa “innovation fund,” will be engaged in an ongoing discussions, focusing on 21st century careers and opportunities.

The evening, hosted by Masa Israel Journey – which has brought hundreds of Jews to Israel, for immersive educational and professional experiences – Included speakers from successful companies, startups and ventures.

Recapping what has been said over time, in the 21st century Israel is recognized to be the century’s quintessential economy, powered by innovation and an extraordinary wealth of human capital. Most of this human wealth has been created out of necessity.

Shalom Elcott, Masa Israel North America CEO who will serve as the President of the Masa Innovation Fund, told the crowd that the Masa Innovation Forum will bring to the public domain the aspect of providing young professionals, in cities across the U.S., deeper view as to how a relationship, addressed as the Startup Nation, Israel, can advance their careers, while providing exclusive networking opportunities, with top business leaders from America and Israel.

The Masa Innovation Fund, leveraging the Masa Israel Journey platform and its spread-out alumni network, will explore new models for philanthropy and social impact investments. By engaging such partners in philanthropy, business, and the social sector, it will provide philanthropists and investors unprecedented opportunities to invest in the next generation, the future of the world, those who will shape the future of America’s and Israel’s economies.

More than anything, the Masa Innovation Fund will seek to make a transformative impact for young adults, Israel, and the Jewish People.

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