Q: What is your full name, where you are from, university if relevant, and city/program were you are on?

My name is Tami Greenberg. I’m originally from Oak Park, MI. I graduated with a degree in elementary and special education from Eastern Michigan University and I was part of Masa Israel Teaching Fellows with Bina in Migdal Ha’Emek.


Q: Why Israel, and why Migdal Ha’Emek specifically?

I have always loved Israel, and was looking for a way not only to strengthen my connection with the country, but to actually spend time here not on a tour bus, like with Taglit. I chose to live in Migdal Ha’Emek because it is part of Detroit’s partnership region, so I had friends there already. 


Q: What was your favorite moment in your journey? 

One of my favorite moments (and, I had a hard time choosing) was when my parents came to visit during Chanukah. We traveled the country together and ended their trip in the north. I was able to show them my city, my school, and introduce them to my students. It was so fun to show them what my life here is like. 


Q: What made your experience teaching so special?

Not only did I have the best students, but I had the best co-teacher. We worked great together and she gave me the freedom to plan fun lesson ideas for the kids to get them engaged with learning English, instead of just doing workbook exercises. 


Q: Why did you decide to stay in Israel after your program? What have you been up to?

I actually went home near the end of my program for a surprise visit for a friend’s wedding. I was in Detroit for less than a week, but it was enough to make me realize I was happier loving in Israel than I would have been if I moved back to the US after the program. 

This year, I have been living in Mitzpe Ramon with a community of English teachers. Mitzpe has been great, but I’m also excited for my upcoming move to the center, where I will be teaching in an English speaking Gan in Rishon LeTzion. 


Q: How did your MITF program help you integrate into Israeli society?

Israeli society and bureaucracy can be difficult. Starting my journey of living in Israel by doing the MITF program allowed me to start to get used to the society and bureaucracy instead of jumping into it head first like I would have if I had made aliyah right away. 


Q: Any advice for future MITFers?

 It may sound cheesy, but have fun! Remember that this is a year for learning and exploring. One great thing about the Israeli school year is that there are lots of breaks for holidays. Take advantage of those to see what the rest of this beautiful country has to offer! 

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