Tags: Alumni, Community, International, Masa Fellows, Networking, Online, Professionals, Public

חברי קהילת מסע היקרים!
Following the many requests that came following the community Hebrew club we decided to reopen !!!
Want to practice a whole hour in Hebrew and at the same time connect with community members from all over the world?
This is the place for you!

So what is important to know?
* The teacher: Of course, the one and only Avia Levi!
* Who is it for? All Masa participants and graduates whose level of Hebrew is ג’ and above!
* When? Every Sunday at 20:00 Israel time for 1 hour
* Pre-registration: In order to hold the classes you will have to write every Sunday until 11:00 AM Israel time if you plan to arrive.
* Please note: the classes are held only in Hebrew.

Spread the word and sharpen the keyboard 🙂

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