Tags: Alumni, Career, Community, Course, Networking, Online, Only in Israel, Post College, Professionals

Masa Alumni in Israel, this course is for you if you want to develop your own levels of resilience and gain skills in providing assistance to others in the Masa Community.

In the course you will be introduced to the “Three Circles Model”, developed by Mahut Israel, a unique model that maps three parameters: Identity, Community and Capability. In addition, the course will help you deal with the unique struggles of Masa Community members and to create a community of support.

The course will take place over five Monday sessions* (March 8th, 15th, 22nd, April 5th & April 12th) from 20:30- 22:00 Israel Time.


Session 1: BASIC PH – A model for coping with stressful situations in both emergencies and your normal routine
Session 2: Pacing and leading – How ?
Session 3: Continuities – Identifying and bridging interrupted continuities
Session 4: Identity: Jewish, Israeli, Both?
Session 5: Process summary and getting organized to “pass it on.”

* Each participant will have a personal, hour-long session with the course facilitator in addition

About the Facilitator:

Sari Sobovitz, MSc in Applied Psychology.

Expert in Resilience, Coping with Trauma, Post Traumatic Growth; Personal, Couples and Family Therapy. Sari works with children, youth, adults and communities that were victims of terrorist attacks, as well as working with professional staff (social workers, psychologists, and teaching staff) to prepare for emergency situations. Central to her work is helping communities and individuals strengthen their resilience and their ability to cope with complex, challenging and difficult events.

There are only 15 spots available, so register now!
Registration closes on February 23rd.

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