Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh

Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh
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About The Program

Jewish Studies
Min - between 8-10 months
University Dorms

Kerem B’Yavneh is an elite center for high-level Torah learning and Jewish studies with a rich tradition of devoted, intensive learning in a vibrant Beit Midrash. It is an Israeli-style Yeshivat Hesder with a Zionistic outlook that strives to develop the student’s ability to learn Gemara and Rishonim independently on an in-depth, sophisticated level. The Beit Midrash is the center of the wider yeshiva community, uniting the bachurim, the kollel families, and the families of the ramim and staff. While the spirit of learning spills over into all the corners of the green campus, with casual discussion of the Gemara and Jewish thought and weekly informal learning; Shabbat meals; Friday night tishes; and melave malkasin the homes of rebbeim and sganei mashgichim, the Beit Midrash remains the unquestionable nucleus of yeshiva life.

About Yavne

Yavne is located in central Israel between Ashdod and Rishon LeZion, and is considered the most significant biblical site of Jewish history after Jerusalem. With a 15 minute bus ride to Rishon LeZion and another 15 to Tel Aviv, Yavne is in close proximity with as much hustle and bustle to fill anyone’s schedule. On the other hand, Yavne neighborhoods provide some more space, quiet, and low-key daily life, while still being a haven for young people from all over Israel.

When Are You Coming

*Please Note: The prices that appear for each program are before a Masa grant or scholarship is applied

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After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

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