By Amy Albertson


It is very common for young Jews to take a Gap Year in Israel after they graduate high school and before they begin college. These Gap Year Programs can range from a year at Yeshiva or Seminary to pre-university programs at top Israeli Universities, and each comes with the exciting experience of living in Israel and forming life-long friendships with other people your age. What could be better?

For Ethan Weiss, a 19-year-old New Jersey native, a Gap Year in Israel before college sounded like and amazing idea. However, Ethan decided that Yeshiva or other traditional Gap Year programs were not exactly what he was looking for. Instead he found Destination Israel’s Tel Aviv Internship Experience-a 5 month professional development program in Tel Aviv.

Ethan decided to do a double session–staying in Israel for 10 months instead of 5–and is interning at the Tel Aviv startup Any.Do.


Briefly, can you tell us about Any.Do?

Any.Do is a task management application for your mobile devices or on your computer. It allows you to create to-do lists and manage personal or business tasks. We’ve received Apple’s Intuitive Touch Award and Android’s Best App of 2012 and have millions of users.

And what exactly are you doing as an Intern here?

Well, I kind of do a little of everything, but in general I have been helping out with Q&A, some social media and online marketing , and a lot with Customer Success. That’s customer support from both the defensive and offensive. An alumni of the program, Sarah Stewart, is also working here so together we’ve been developing the internship for future participants.

It sounds like you’re doing a lot. How is it being at a startup?

I am doing a lot, but I am learning as much as I am doing. That is one of the best things about the startup environment. If you are motivated and creative, anyone can do anything. You just have to ask. I interact directly with the CEO or the CFO, and anyone else in the company I want to. I saw something that I thought the product team should implement and they ended up adding it to the road map. It’s really awesome to know that I’m doing real and important tasks and that I have a lot of opportunity to learn and develop.

You’re only 19 and most people your age are in traditional Gap Year programs. What made you decide to do this instead?

I know I will eventually go to college and get a degree but I wanted to get some real life, professional experience first. With all I’m learning and the experience I’m gaining I will have a better idea of what I want to study. I didn’t want to end up being one of those college students who changes their major 5 times and ends up in college for 7 years.

And what made you choose to do this on a Masa Program?

I wanted to come to Israel and this was a great opportunity to do it. I am at a great internship and I’m living in Tel Aviv. My program has great enrichments that we do each week. They’ve really opened my eyes to a lot of new things in Israel. It is a lot of fun.

Do you ever have trouble being younger than most of the other participants in your program?

Honestly, no. I can see how some people might, but I enjoy learning a lot from them. They have professional experience and have mostly already finished college so they have a lot of insight to offer me.

Back to Israel: How is it living here?

I really love living in Israel. There is a very hospitable, social culture. I enjoy how it is so easy to meet people and make friends here. You can just talk to anyone on the street!

As you can see, Ethan may not be having the average Gap Year, but he is definitely having a valuable experience. From professional growth in the startup environment to personal growth from the other participants in his program, Ethan is having the Journey of a lifetime.

To learn more about the Tel Aviv Internship program please click here.


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