Masa Volunteers – Doctors for Israel by Tlalim- 4 weeks

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About The Program

Min - one month
Be’er Sheva
Rented Apartment(s)
To give the opportunity to Jewish doctors from around the world to volunteer in Israel during the war in Magen David Adom teams

About Be’er Sheva

Beer Sheva is known as the capital of the Negev Desert. Located at the northern tip of the Negev Desert, Beer Sheva is also one of Israels fastest growing cities. ֲ  Home to Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva has a large student population and a vibrant culture for young adults. The student community is very social and offers many opportunities for Masa Fellows to take part in student initiatives and activities. As a result, the area around the university has a college town feel, filled with entertaining nightlife. ֲ  Beer Sheva also has a large immigrant population and many Bedouin communities in the nearby areas. Fellows are encouraged to volunteer with these communities to better understand local issues of coexistence.

When Are You Coming

*Please Note: The prices that appear for each program are before a Masa grant or scholarship is applied

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After The Program You Will

Gain hands-on experience

Build lifelong professional & social networks

Return home with an impressive, enhanced resume

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