Central Israel
Min - 4-6 months
We are a Triple Bottom Line Business [Triple Impact: Environmental + Social + Economic] that offers a modular, sustainable and conscious way of furnishing our environment. We are a group of creative professionals devoted to Upcycled architecture, participatory design, and hands-on education. It’s time to get back to your roots, take a moment out of your routine to Design and Do it Yourself (DDIY). Our philosophy begins with the journey of Design Thinking and Mindful Making to create something that is one of a kind from Upcycled wood pallets. Our projects are all about giving new life to materials and taking ownership of the positive cycle to rethink the spaces around us. We believe in honest, collaborative design, giving everyone the tools to make a positive social change and be a part of The Pallet Revolution. MOLET is a call to action. Upcycle yourself. Upcycle your community. Upcycle your city. We divide our projects into five core categories/strands: 1) Architecture and Design: these include our interior architecture projects, designing custom furniture and installations. 2) Community projects (Social Impact): working with and for the community and using design for positive social change 3) Upcycle Your City: these projects are on a micro-urban scale and are usually spontaneous interventions that involve the local community 4) Education Projects: bringing our philosophy to institutions, schools, nurseries, finding creative methods of weaving the Molet way into the process of learning and education from a young age. 5) Culture Projects: combining our philosophy and values with other creative cultural fields, we work on projects that intersect the worlds of music, arts, food, and events. All of our projects and work strands are connected in some way or influenced by Molet’s core activity - Design and Do it Yourself (DDIY) Workshops. We have developed an innovative platform that allows everyone -team colleagues, kids, friends, families. no age limit and no previous experience is needed- to design, create and enjoy the power of upcycling.

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