Tzofim Tzabar

Tzofim Tzabar Olami
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О программе

Программы для выпускников школ
от - 8-10 месяцев
Tel Aviv -Yafo

Garin Tzabar is a unique program, founded in 1991 and run by Tzofim Tzabar Olami, with the support of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, The Prime Minister of Israel's office, The Social Security Department, The Jewish Agency For Israel and Masa Israel Journey. Garin Tzabar members are Jewish Americans and children of Israelis living in the Diaspora who choose to move to Israel and serve in the IDF. Upon their arrival in Israel, the group is adopted by the Israel Scouts and placed in a hosting kibbutz, whichquickly becomes their home away from home throughout the duration of their army service. Garin Tzabar creates a group framework of guidance and support for young Jews and Israelis living abroad who choose to return to Israel or make Aliyah for the first time in order to serve a full and meaningful service in the IDF. This is done by a mental and emotional preparation process that starts in the countries of origin and continues with their arrival to Israel and their absorption into the Kibbutzim, Israeli society and through the processes of military pretrial recruitment. The core of the program is carried out during their military service where they continue to live as a group and receive from the group constant guidance and support.
 Garin Tzabar main office in NY —
• /
•  (p): +1.212.339.8130 X304/5  )  Garin Tzabar main office in Europe:​
Phone: +44-(0)2083715285

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