Masa Year of Service- Arevim

Hanoar Hatzioni
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80 Люди, которые просматривали эту программу
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О программе

Программы для выпускников школ
от - 8-10 месяцев
Tel Aviv -Yafo
съемные квартиры

The program has 4 modules:

Sherut Leumi

Sherut Leumi is a program of social service, which gives young people the opportunity to work voluntarily in the sectors of society that need it the most. The participants will be able to choose their volunteering program within the areas of health, education and welfare.

Israel Engagement

A space where different topics related to the Israeli-Arab conflict, politics and current affairs are covered. With weekly encounters in the form of talks or trips where the events take place, we will provide training with professionals so the participants can analyze, understand and reach their own conclusions regarding the Israeli society and the Middle East in general.

Courses and Seminars

We offer a series of seminars and courses ranging in topics of leadership and entrepreneurship that are designed to inspire participants about their future after the program.

Fun and Adventure

Participants will get to explore the most beautiful natural landscapes that Israel has to offer and enjoy a wide range day trips, hikes, nature reserves, historical sites and a unique window into other communities and cultures.


После программы ты

Получишь практический опыт

Создашь профессиональные и социальные связи

Вернешься домой с впечатляющим, расширенным резюме

Зачем ждать? Начинай сейчас!

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