World Bnei Akiva – Amlat

World Bnei Akiva
3 Reseñas
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Gap year
Min - Entre 8-10 meses
Departamentos alquilados

Amlat is combines leadership, Jewish studies, Hebrew language, work on a Kibbutz, an Army/MDA experience and more. The program is meant for young Jewish boys and girls from South America who are looking for a Jewish traditional program.  The program includes trips all over the country, meeting with Israelis and other young people from all over the world, volunteering, celebrating Shabbat and Holidays together, leadership seminar and more. Participants will be staying in a variety of locations including youth hostels, a kibbutz and a yeshiva and receive full board.

Después del programa tu...

Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.

Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida

Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.

¿Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

"*" señala los campos obligatorios

Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

3 Reseñas

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