World Bnei Akiva – Mechina Olamit

World Bnei Akiva
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Gap year
Min - Entre 8-10 meses
Migdal Oz

The Mechina Olamit, in partnership with Kol Ami, is an intensive and highly rewarding leadership program in Israel that develops lifelong skills, relationships, and connection to the Jewish homeland.

Operating within the framework of a modern orthodox, Zionist, co-ed environment, Jewish high school graduates from all around the world join together with their Israeli counterparts for a transformative year in Israel. Living in Kibbutz Migdal Oz, the program runs in English for the first three months and then in Hebrew. 

Participants will immerse themselves in experiential Torah learning, deepening knowledge of Jewish Peoplehood, community involvement, leadership, advocacy, discovering Israel, fitness, navigation skills, training, and more! Throughout the program, participants build friendships and connections with Jews from around the world that last for life!

Guided by a strong team of dedicated and experienced staff, participants will undergo an incredible journey of learning, self-empowerment, and growth in preparation for army service or university, as well as leadership skills for their communal and professional lives well into the future.

Después del programa tu...

Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.

Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida

Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.

¿Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

"*" señala los campos obligatorios

Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

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