Tel Aviv University – ELI Gap Program

Tel Aviv University
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Sobre el Programa

Gap year
Min - Entre 4-6 meses
Tel Aviv -Yafo
Dormitorios universitarios

The Exploration, Leadership, and Innovation (ELI) program is for you if you’re an outstanding high school graduate who – before embarking on your college career – would like to explore university life and enhance your academic, leadership and entrepreneurial skills in a world-class environment that nurtures understanding and connection to Jewish life and community. The program is uniquely designed to equip you with an invaluable toolbox that will serve you throughout your college years and wherever life leads.

ELI integrates academic excellence with field trips, service-learning projects, group bonding and other immersive experiences, including networking and mentorship opportunities both within Israel’s Startup Nation and with global experts across Israel’s political, cultural, media, business and technology landscapes. Expect to begin your term with intensive Hebrew classes at Tel Aviv University’s (TAU’s) multi-level Ulpan, and to engage with the wider Jewish and Israeli community as they explore the country.

You must take a minimum of three for-credit courses during your time in the program and participate in workshops centered on TAU’s areas of expertise, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.  

¿Cuándo vienes?

*Por favor ten en cuenta: Los precios que aparecen en cada programa, son antes de ser aplicada la Beca de Masa

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Después del programa tu...

Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.

Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida

Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.

¿Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

"*" señala los campos obligatorios

Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

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