Midreshet Lindenbaum – Darkaynu

Midreshet Lindenbaum
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Sobre o programa

Gap Year - Shnat Hachshaã
Min - Entre 8 e 10 meses
Dormitórios da universidade

Midreshet Darkaynu and Yeshivat Darkaynu, the only year-in-Israel programs in existence for young women and men with special needs, provide students with a full-time social and academic program within a mainstream environment, enabling them to gain independence and acquire life skills while reinforcing their ties with Israel and the Jewish people.
Midreshet Darkaynu and Yeshivat Darkaynu, the only year-in-Israel programs in existence for young women and men with special needs, provide students with a full-time social and academic program within a mainstream environment, enabling them to gain independence and acquire life skills while reinforcing their ties with Israel and the Jewish people.

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

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