Midreshet Eshel is a post-high school seminary that provides young women with a comprehensive educational program emphasizing excellence in Jewish studies, Jewish values, and experiential learning. As the first Sephardic seminary in Israel, Eshel also emphasizes Sephardic halacha, customs, and history. The one-year study program combines textual learning with stimulating discussion of topics that are relevant to your life and enhance personal and religious growth. Courses include: Tanakh, Jewish thought, halacha, torah, psychology, the Jewish woman, group dynamics, modern Israeli history, Hebrew language and character development (Middot), Jewish history, yoga, dance, and Sephardic cooking.
Midreshet Eshel
Midreshet Eshel
37 Comentários
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Quality of Programs Content
Programs Facilities
Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff
Ex-participante - 282
289 Pessoas que participaram deste programa
Sobre o programa
Estudos Judaicos
Min - Entre 8 e 10 meses
Apartamentos alugados
While You're Here
Depois do seu programa, você...
Ganhe experiência prática
Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida
Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado
Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora
"*" indica campos obrigatórios
37 Comentários
Overall Experience
Recommend Your Program
Quality of Programs Content
Programs Facilities
Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff