Masa Kinneret – MA Programs

Kinneret Academic College on the sea of Galilee
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Kinneret College was founded in 1965.

Situated on the beautiful shores of the Sea of Galilee, the College has been changing lives for more than 50 years. From offering a number of exciting and unique programs in a range of academic fields to serving as a dynamic, diverse, and innovative campus, to working closely with surrounding communities, we take pride in helping our students, faculty, staff, and partners turn new ideas into productive outcomes that change lives.

Our campus is surrounded by Kibbutzim (collective) communities and agricultural farms. Close to many hiking trails and tourist attractions, students enjoy an array of activities, including, biking, hiking, and swimming, as well as the many historic and religiously significant sites located a short distance from campus.

Our staff is diverse, and we strive to create even greater diversity in the continued recruitment and development of the college. Human capital at the college contributes to the academic development and quality of students who study.

Kinneret College stands out in its uniqueness in terms of developing our student’s skills and preparing them for employment by connecting and integrating them into various industries and organizations.

Today, students study for B.A., M.A., and B.Sc. degrees in the Schools of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Achi Racov School of Engineering.

Study Tracks

MA in Tourism and Hotel Management

The graduate MA program in Tourism and Hotel Management is an international English language program focusing on tourism and hotel management strategies in a globalized world. It provides knowledge, tools and skills necessary for managing global tourism businesses. Through a variety of courses, the program focuses on strategic management tools necessary for a highly competitive global industry characterized by great uncertainty. To this end, we provide high-level courses to train a new generation of tourism executives who leave the program well-equipped with up-to-date research and management tools.

M.Sc in Water Engineering

The program provides graduates with a cutting-edge theoretical and practical foundation in the water industry engineering field, acclimatizing to diverse research and professional applications. Graduates leave the program with an in-depth understanding of theoretical content along with the ability to read and understand scientific research rooted in applied research. The program equips graduates with a toolkit, expertise and skills that prepare them to become experts on various technologies related to the water industry, to define, analyze and introduce technologies and solutions for varies types of water transport and water purification systems as well as define and analyze theoretical and practical challenges. To develop innovative treatment processes, participate in planning teams at new facilities, offer solutions to challenges in existing facilities, manage, in many cases, the water studies program in various organizations, propose solutions to managers and policy-makers to establish their expertise and capability in professional and scientific forums.

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

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