Ariel University – Research

Ariel University
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Sobre o programa

Min - Entre 6 e 8 meses
Dormitórios da universidade

Study Tracks


This program is open for students, who are planning to get PhD degree, ambitious scientists, creative researchers, future professors and those who wish to expand the scope of scientific research.

The program is based on individual research work under the supervision of one of the scientists of the relevant department.

– The selection of a supervisor takes place before the start of the program.
– Together with the supervisor, a personalized work plan is created for each participant.
– Participants gain access to research centers/laboratories and databases in their field of research.
– There is a possibility of continued research activities at Ariel University, as well as the publication of successful papers

Admission criteria for the program:
• Age: 21 – 34
• Complete higher education
• Individual interview
• Fluent English

Health insurance and accommodation in student dormitory are included in Masa program.

Quando você vem?

*Observação: os valores que aparecem em cada programa são anteriores à aplicação da Bolsa de Estudo oferecida pelo Masa Israel

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"*" indica campos obrigatórios

Este campo é para efeitos de validação e deve ser mantido inalterado.

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