Midreshet Eshel is a post-high school seminary that provides young women with a comprehensive educational program emphasizing excellence in Jewish studies, Jewish values, and experiential learning. As the first Sephardic seminary in Israel, Eshel also emphasizes Sephardic halacha, customs, and history. The one-year study program combines textual learning with stimulating discussion of topics that are relevant to your life and enhance personal and religious growth. Courses include: Tanakh, Jewish thought, halacha, torah, psychology, the Jewish woman, group dynamics, modern Israeli history, Hebrew language and character development (Middot), Jewish history, yoga, dance, and Sephardic cooking.
Midreshet Eshel
Midreshet Eshel
37 Commentaires
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Ancien participant - 282
328 Les gens qui ont vu ce programme
A propos du programme
Etude de la Torah
Min - Entre 8 et 10 mois
Appartements en location
About Jerusalem
The city where past and present meet. Established over 3,000 years ago, the city of Jerusalem offers you the chance to literally reach out and touch the past. Known as the city of gold, Jerusalem is a magical mix of ancient and modern, where outdoor shuks (markets) rub shoulders with gleaming office towers. The city's most popular spots include a vibrant downtown with world-class restaurants and shopping, and the Old City, a maze of winding alleyways and colorful markets enclosed by walls dating back to the 16th century.
While You're Here
Après le programme, vous...
Acquérir une expérience pratique
Construire des réseaux professionnels et sociaux, bénéfiques sur le long-terme
Rentrez chez vous avec un CV impressionnant et amélioré
Pourquoi attendre ? Commencez dès maintenant !
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37 Commentaires
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