Yeshivat HaKotel aims to cultivate yirat shamayim as part of a life of Avodat Hashem by developing students' appreciation of Talmud Torah and its connection to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. You will become familiar with the basics of Tanakh, Torah Sheb’al Peh, Halacha, Jewish philosophy and belief, and Mussar while developing the ability for independent Jewish study in all of these fields. The yeshiva offers a large number of shiurim in subjects other than Gemara, and helps students build a schedule most appropriate to them. Although the average boy will generally spend around 80 percent of his time on Talmud, there are many who devote up to half their time to other subjects.
yeshivat hakotel
yeshivat hakotel
84 Reseñas
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Ex Alumnos - 681
151 Personas vieron éste Programa
Sobre el Programa
Estudios religiosos
Min - Entre 8-10 meses
Dormitorios universitarios
While You're Here
Después del programa tu...
Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.
Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida
Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.
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84 Reseñas
Overall Experience
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Quality of Programs Content
Programs Facilities
Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff