Neve Yerushalayim General Jewish Studies

Neve Yerushalayim
40 Reseñas
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Sobre el Programa

Estudios religiosos
Min - Entre 4-6 meses
Dormitorios universitarios

Neve School of General Jewish Studies is designed for women who wish to increase their Jewish knowledge, improve their learning skills, and enhance their spiritual growth. For those with a limited Jewish studies background, Neve provides the basic knowledge necessary to lead a true and meaningful Jewish life. For those with a more extensive background, Neve affords the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Jewish texts, a much greater understanding of the Jewish faith, and the skills necessary for independent Torah study. The comprehensive curriculum includes biblical studies, Jewish philosophy, Jewish law, prayer, Jewish history and Hebrew language. Courses in morals ethics and psychology are directed to the needs of the students as women and Jews.

¿Cuándo vienes?

*Por favor ten en cuenta: Los precios que aparecen en cada programa, son antes de ser aplicada la Beca de Masa

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Después del programa tu...

Gana experiencia en trabajo manual.

Construye redes sociales y profesionales de por vida

Regresa a casa con un impresionante y mejorado curriculum.

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Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

40 Reseñas

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