Masa - Sachlav - Top Israel Interns

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от - 4-6 месяцев
Tel Aviv -Yafo
съемные квартиры

Ready to be exceptional in your field? Launch your career with Top Israel Interns. Learn from the best and gain invaluable professional experience while working in one of Israel’s most sought after internships.
With 5 month programs in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Bat Yam, you’ll gain the full experience of being a young professional in Israel. Live in high-end, trendy apartment accommodation in the heart of these buzzing city centers, only moments away from the Machane Yehuda market (Jerusalem), or a 10 minute walk from the beach.
Top Israel Interns will match you with a Placement Coordinator who will assess your interests and professional goals, and then work to ensure that you are placed in an internship which will help you achieve your career objectives. To view our ever expanding network of Israel internship opportunities, please visit our Placements page.
Top Israel Interns also offer a Career Advancement Program, consisting of a series of workshops and lectures. These sessions are designed to give you the skills usually learned over decades of professional experience.  We bring outside experts in professional networking, resume and cover letter writing, self-branding and more! These experts come to work with you to ensure this experience will help you reach your professional goals in record time.
Aside from hands-on practical experience, you will also get a taste of life as a young professional in Israel. The Top Israel Interns 5 month program includes a Hebrew language course, along with weekly social activities and a variety of exciting trips around the country.
Our Admissions Team:
US: 1-646-741-3304
UK: 44-203-808-6656
IL:  972-7471-50156

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*Обрати внимание: стоимость программы указана без учета суммы гранта Маса

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