jInternship - ALT

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40 Люди, которые просматривали эту программу
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О программе

Религиозные программы
от - 4-6 месяцев
съемные квартиры

The Academy of Life Training (ALT) is the ideal environment for developing life skills while growing from a great internship in Israel. With housing located in central Jerusalem in quality apartments right near the Machane Yehuda outdoor market, students work at top internships learning valuable working skills, while having a few weekly learning session developing life skills relevant to all areas of one’s life. Evenings are generally free time.
The ALT staff show students how to analyze and develop themselves while gaining critical skills in three central areas of life: social, professional, and spiritual life. Students will learn practical skills for bettering themselves and start to establish a healthy life-outlook and life balance.  Find yourself… before you find a job!

После программы ты

Получишь практический опыт

Создашь профессиональные и социальные связи

Вернешься домой с впечатляющим, расширенным резюме

Зачем ждать? Начинай сейчас!

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9 Отзывы

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