Darchei Binah

Darchei Binah
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О программе

Религиозные программы
от - 8-10 месяцев
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Are you searching for a richly variegated Jewish studies program that exposes you to the foremost educators that Jerusalem can provide? Darchei Binah offers young women the opportunity to blossom as they begin the path toward becoming our future Nashim V’Emahos BeYisrael. Prominent Torah scholars transmit the mesora in a way which is both timeless and appropriate for the needs of the student body. Faculty members meet with students on an individual basis to provide caring guidance and insight into confronting the challenges of life. You will spend an intensive week exploring the glorious history of Torah in Poland, and its tragic end. Discover the roots of Halacha by visiting Batei Midrash and Kevarim of leading figures such as Rama, Bach, Tosefos Yomtov, Maharshal, Rav Chaim Brisker and Netziv.

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*Обрати внимание: стоимость программы указана без учета суммы гранта Маса

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