Описание вакансии

We are building a next-generation device to passively analyze urine and empower users with this information for early health detection. We’re a small team of highly qualified data scientists & engineers completing a promising round of investment and want help launching our initial round of devices. In this role, you would have the opportunity to implement a backend cloud infrastructure to support our proprietary algorithms in production.


company outings; flexible work hours; relaxed dress code; work abroad


*Experience in Cloud Platforms
*Proficient in Python

*Experience with MongoDB
*Experience with restful APIs
*Experience with Docker/Kubernetes
*Knowledge of Data Analysis/Statistics/Machine Learning

Описание компании

Olive Diagnostic has developed the world's first 100% passive urinalysis sensor that mounts to the toilet. The sensor detects the molecules in a urine stream and creates a very granular health profile of the user. The profile is then used to alert on health issues (dehydration, starvation, infections), early disease detection (UTI, kidney stones, Preeclampsia...), and health predictions (Gout flare-ups, infections, etc). Where other home-based diagnostics require user intervention Olive's K2 device is completely passive the user urinates the same way they have their whole lives a d the sensor continuously detects and analysis. Initially, we are focusing on selling the device and service to health providers who make money from keeping people healthy and B2C. Upon receiving our FDA certification we will be selling it via insurance companies, doctors, and clinics.
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