Yeshivat Moreshet

11 Comentários
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Sobre o programa

Estudos Judaicos
Min - Entre 8 e 10 meses
Dormitórios da universidade

Our program has set as its goal is to help students grow spiritually and religiously into responsible, mature adults, and true Bnei Torah. The Yeshiva has an amazingly small staff to student ratio. This enables each student to receive individual and personalized attention from Rabbeim that are dedicated role models. Our extraordinary staff gives of their time both inside and outside of the Yeshiva. They are available throughout the day inside the Yeshiva, and outside the Yeshiva, their homes are always open, including Shabbatot and Chagim.

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

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11 Comentários

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Extracurricular Activities
Programs Staff
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