MITF – Bat Yam – FT

Israel Experience
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Teach English
Min - Entre 8 e 10 meses
Apartamentos alugados

Teach. Live. Learn.

Be the one whose name your students will never forget on Masa Israel Teaching Fellows’ 10-month teaching fellowship in the central area of Bat-Yam.

Everyone remembers that teacher who made a difference. The teacher who cared, who was creative, who was dedicated to seeing you succeed. Now it is your chance to be the one whose name your students will never forget.

Masa Israel Teaching Fellows with Israel Experience provides exceptional Jewish college graduates the opportunity to join a 10 month English teaching service-learning program that addresses Israel’s educational achievement gap and the widespread underperformance of youth in the low-income communities of Bat-Yam, Rishon Le’Tzion, and Ramle. As an Israel Teaching Fellow, you will complete 100+ hours of teacher training, work in 3rd – 8th-grade classrooms for a minimum of 20 hours a week, receive 10 months of Hebrew language classes, volunteer within your new Israeli community, and explore the beauty, history, and culture of Israel through insightful seminars and tours.

The program is a joint project by the Israeli Ministry of Education and Masa Israel Journey. Both organizations believe in the values of the program and in the fellows’ distinct contribution to these Israeli communities. Therefore, both organizations offer generous funding to eligible participants – leaving the program cost at $1,000 for the entire 10-month experience, a price that even includes your ticket to Israel!

Come make an impact in a community where the education gap is widening.

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

"*" indica campos obrigatórios

Este campo é para efeitos de validação e deve ser mantido inalterado.

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