Mayanot Institute Program

Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
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Sobre o programa

Estudos Judaicos
Min - Entre 4 e 6 meses
Apartamentos alugados

Mayanot is a revolutionary journey of self-discovery and personal and spiritual growth. Located in the heart of Jerusalem, providing a highly academic Judaic Studies program taught by dynamic staff in a welcoming atmosphere. Mayanot’s unique curriculum encompasses both the intellectual and inner spiritual dimensions of Torah study. Mayanot emphasizes skill-building and provides its students with the tools required for a lifetime of independent Torah study. Graduates return to their respective professions and fields of study empowered by their strong foundation in Jewish knowledge and text-based skills. At Mayanot studies are brought to life through study tours, trips and shabbatons (weekend trips) around the country. Students are welcomed into the homes of local families, where they meet olim and native born Israel's, garnering an 'inside view of Israel'. 

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

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