Masa Family Institute

Neve Yerushalayim
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Idiomas - Cursos profissionalizantes
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The Family Institute is proud to partner with MASA to offer you a one-year training program

Enhance your professional expertise in therapy and experience Israel and its culture from new perspectives. Take this opportunity to join The Family Institute’s one-year MASA advanced training program.

The Family Institute is located in Jerusalem on the beautiful, flourishing campus of Neve Yerushalayim. We have been training religious therapists for over 23 years and offering subsidized therapy to more than 400 clients weekly. We are the only English-speaking Israeli training center acknowledged by the Israeli Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

We have academic training programs in Couples and Family Therapy, offered in English or in Hebrew.

The one-year program for MASA provides a distinctive experience for mental health professionals.

Together with other post-master's therapists, you will learn advanced therapeutic techniques in family and marital therapy. The curriculum covers topics such as family therapy, couple's counseling, and personal growth. Additionally, you will expand your Hebrew in a therapeutic language-focused ulpan. You will also receive an English-Hebrew therapeutic dictionary printed by The Family Institute.

You will be given the opportunity to see a full and diverse caseload at our clinic while being supervised by leading clinicians in the field. This includes live, group, and individual supervision. The education and clinical hours are recognized by the Israeli Association for Couples and Family Therapy.

The program also includes a comprehensive acquaintance with Israel, its history, and the variety of cultures in the present. You will tour a range of social service and mental health facilities throughout Israel giving you a comprehensive grasp of how the mental health system functions here.

Come and join the family!

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From October 15, 2023, until July 15, 2024

Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

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