Chat con representante de Masa



Masa es un proyecto en conjunto del Gobierno de Israel con la Agencia Judía para Israel, en el que todos los años brinda a miles de jóvenes la oportunidad de probar la vida en Israel como un local.


¡Únete a reuniones en línea y elije el programa de Masa que te ayudará a desarrollar y mejorar tus habilidades!


Si tienes entre 16 y 34 años, eres judío o tienes hasta una abuela o abuelo judío, puedes recibir una beca para participar en alguno de nuestros programas.

Estructura de la Feria

En la sección «Horario» encontrarás la programación de las charlas que tendremos durante la feria, así como también eventos en los pabellones de cada uno de los organizadores de nuestros programas y hablar con ellos directamente. En la sección de «Programas», encontrarás la descripción de todos los programas de Masa en español.

La Programación de la Feria Incluye

Reuniones con los organizadores de los programas
Conversar con participantes y ex participantes de un programa de Masa
Asesoría con respecto a elegibilidad y solicitud de becas
Charlas y eventos



12:30 (ART) / 9:30 (CDT)

Introducción- "La Imagen Completa" ¿Qué es Masa?

13:00 (ART) / 10:00 (CDT)

Charla con Ari Liberson - Fundador y CEO de Molet

14:00 (ART) / 11:00 (CDT)

Charla con Participantes y Ex Participantes de Masa

15:00 (ART) / 12:00 (CDT)

Historias de Éxito- Un Día en Masa

16:00 (ART) / 13:00 (CDT)

Sesión Informativa con los programas de Gap/Shnat

17:00 (ART) / 14:00 (CDT)

Conoce a los Organizadores

  • Todos
  • Académicos
  • Estudios Judaicos
  • Masa Tech
  • Pasantías
  • Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year
Machon Ora

Machon Ora

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Nuestro programa combina estudio de Torá de muy alto nivel en español y hebreo,
  • Ulpán de hebreo en niveles, paseos por todo Israel, shabatot Midrashá, jaguim organizados y actividades recreativas, en un ambiente único.
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Pasantías ,

  • On the IsraelPro internship program, you’ll combine a tailor-made professional internship in the field of your choice,
  • while living in beautiful Israeli apartments in central Tel Aviv, Haifa, or Jerusalem.
  • In addition, you will have Hebrew classes weekly, trips and activities to experience Israel
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University of Haifa - International Graduate Programs

University of Haifa - International Graduate Programs

Académicos ,

  • The University of Haifa offers international English-language graduate programs in Israel in a variety of disciplines.
  • The one and two-year programs are designed to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in their respective fields and aim to provide practical experiences
  • that will lend themselves to success in a highly competitive global market.
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Masa Tech ,

  • Estás interesado en una pasantía en Israel?
  • Masa Israel Journey ofrece oportunidades de pasantías manuales que te pondrán a trabajar directamente con líderes en la nación Start-Up.
  • Encuentra tu pasantía en Israel.
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Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, International programs

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, International programs

Académicos ,

  • The institute offers degrees in science and engineering, and related fields such as architecture, medicine, industrial management and education.
  • Technion, consistently ranked among the world’s top 50, is a major source of the innovation and brainpower that drives the Israeli economy.
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Shnat Betar

Shnat Betar

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • O programa Shnat Betar, planejado pelo Movimento Juvenil Betar Mundial estב em curso
  • desde 1946 e fornece capacitaחדo de lםderes do Movimento Betar.
  • O Movimento Betar vך o programa "Shnat Betar" como uma parte central que deve viver cada boguer do Movimento Juvenil.
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Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) - Undergraduate degrees

Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) - Undergraduate degrees

Académicos ,

  • Los fundadores de la Universidad de Reichman buscaron crear una universidad israelí
  • en la que los logros personales vayan de la mano de la responsabilidad social.
  • Su perspectiva se basa en los conceptos de "libertad y responsabilidad" y se enfoca en la iniciativa y el liderazgo junto con el servicio comunitario.
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Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) - Graduate degrees

Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) - Graduate degrees

Académicos ,

  • Fundada por el renombrado profesor israelí Uriel Reichman en 1994,
  • la Universidad Reichman es la primera universidad privada en Israel.
  • Es una organización sin fines de lucro inspirada en las universidades de la Ivy League en los EE.UU.
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Hebrew University - Master Programs

Hebrew University - Master Programs

Académicos ,

  • Offered in conjunction with the Department of Bible and the Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient Near East 
  • this two-year Master's program in Israel is designed for students who wish to study contemporary Biblical (Hebrew scriptures) studies, providing grounding in Biblical as well as Modern Hebrew.
  • Students specialize in one of two tracks:  1. The Bible: Cultural and Historical Context and 2. The Bible and the Ancient Near East.
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Tel Aviv University - Study Abroad

Tel Aviv University - Study Abroad

Académicos ,

  • Are you looking to gain global professional experience while studying abroad?
  • Tel Aviv University International invites you to immerse yourself in our excellent academic program
  • while you intern in Tel Aviv all while experiencing the real Israeli lifestyle!
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Tel Aviv University - Master Programs

Tel Aviv University - Master Programs

Académicos ,

  • Delve deeper into your area of interest through one of our 14 international master’s programs in Israel.
  • Each program combines a rigorous core curriculum with a diverse offering of electives,
  • allowing you to tailor your studies in Israel to your own interests while gaining advanced knowledge in your chosen field.
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Bar Ilan University - Mechina - Pre Academic Program

Bar Ilan University - Mechina - Pre Academic Program

Académicos ,

  • Bar Ilans University's Mechina Program aims to familiarize students with university education and prepare them for continued education in any institution of higher education in Israel.
  • The program covers a broad spectrum of subjects including Judaic studies, math, hebrew and elective courses (sociology, economics, computers, chemistry, biology and physics). Courses are taught in simplied Hebrew and adapted to the specic needs of visiting students and new immigrants who have just arrived in Israel.
  • Instructors and administration fully assist the new student to successfully adjust to studying at BIU and to take part in campus life.
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Ben-Gurion - Semester\Year program - Study Abroad

Ben-Gurion - Semester\Year program - Study Abroad

Académicos ,

  • Los programas de duración de un semestre o año en la Universidad de Ben Gurión en el Negev (BGU) están diseñados para estudiantes universitarios que buscan un periodo de formación académica en Israel.
  • En BGU estudiaras la lengua Hebrea, y podrás elegir entre una variedad de cursos enseñados en Ingles sobre estudios judaicos,
  • ciencias política, sociología, antropología, arqueología del Medio Oriente, ecología, arte, salud global y medio ambiente.
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Yeshivat hakotel

Yeshivat hakotel

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Yeshivat HaKotel aims to cultivate yirat shamayim as part of a life of Avodat Hashem
  • by developing students' appreciation of Talmud Torah and its connection to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
  • You will become familiar with the basics of Tanakh, Torah Sheb’al Peh, Halacha, Jewish philosophy and belief, and Mussar while developing the ability for independent Jewish study in all of these fields.
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Amutat Menachem - Machon shoshanat Yerushalyaim

Amutat Menachem - Machon shoshanat Yerushalyaim

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Machon Shoshanat Yerushalayim is designed for the personal growth of Lubavitch girls through the teaching of yiddishe-chassidishe values.
  • Its educational approach offers a program of solid learning that develops vital study skills and broadens one’s personal horizons in a very warm, chassidishe setting.
  • Its Limudei Kodesh program, which includes both Nigle and Chassidus, will enable you to learn texts with familiarity and ease.
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Machon Torani Latfuzot Ayelet Hashajar

Machon Torani Latfuzot Ayelet Hashajar

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Ayelet Hashajar es una Midrashá para jóvenes judías latinas, ubicada en uno de los barrios más bellos de Jerusalem,
  • Ramat Eshkol y se dedica a brindarle a sus alumnas la posibilidad de no solo de conocer, sino también experimentar la vida judía según enseña la Torá.
  • El programa se focaliza en el estudio del Tanaj, Halajot, Tefilá, Historia, Ética, Filosofía judía y Hogar judío, entre otros temas.
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Masa Baer Miriam Maayanot - Bnei Ubnot Chayil

Masa Baer Miriam Maayanot - Bnei Ubnot Chayil

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Ba'er Miriam Ba'er Miriam prides itself on providing an educational environment and curriculum designed for girls
  • who enjoy an intellectual challenging advanced  Jewish Studies progams  in an inspirational atmosphere.
  • You will devote your year at Ba'er Miriam to honing textual skills in serious Torah study, while infusing Torah values into your personal character growth.
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Yeshivat Moreshet

Yeshivat Moreshet

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Our program has set as its goal is to help students grow spiritually and religiously into responsible, mature adults, and true Bnei Torah.
  • This enables each student to receive individual and personalized attention from Rabbeim that are dedicated role models.
  • Our extraordinary staff gives of their time both inside and outside of the Yeshiva.
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Neve Yerushalayim General Jewish Studies

Neve Yerushalayim General Jewish Studies

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Neve School of General Jewish Studies is designed for women who wish to increase their Jewish knowledge, improve their learning skills, and enhance their spiritual growth.
  • For those with a limited Jewish studies background, Neve provides the basic knowledge necessary to lead a true and meaningful Jewish life.
  • Neve affords the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Jewish texts, a much greater understanding of the Jewish faith, and the skills necessary for independent Torah study.
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Rinas Bais Yaakov

Rinas Bais Yaakov

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Rinas bais yaakov is highly academic bais yaakov seminary located in the heart of yerushalayim
  • rinas bais yaakov exhibities an excellent array of high caliber renowned teachers as well as rich and allencompassing trips tours and extra curricular events
  • Rinas offers beautifl all year round shabossim and yomim tovim which enhances every girls seminary experience.
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Midreshet Tehillah

Midreshet Tehillah

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Midreshet Tehillah is an academically-focused seminary program for recent high school graduates
  • whose curriculum centers on deep, text-based learning of Hashkafa, Tanach, and Halacha.
  • Its unique combination of concentrated Jewish studies and limited class size results in a highly integrated group of students and faculty who have a remarkable excitement about learning.
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Midreshet Lindenbaum - America Latina

Midreshet Lindenbaum - America Latina

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Midreshet Lindenbaum ofrece a jóvenes latinoamericanas un marco para redescubrir nuestras raíces,
  • estudiar Tora con devoción y revelar nuevas dimensiones en el mundo del espíritu. 
  • Para lograr estos objetivos, nuestras estudiantes tienen un plantel agradable y cómodo, un marco social donde las relaciones interpersonales se desarrollan con respeto y compañerismo.
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Midreshet Eshel

Midreshet Eshel

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Midreshet Eshel is a post-high school seminary that provides young women with a comprehensive educational program
  • emphasizing excellence in Jewish studies, Jewish values, and experiential learning.
  • As the first Sephardic seminary in Israel, Eshel also emphasizes Sephardic halacha, customs, and history. 
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Mayanot Institute Program

Mayanot Institute Program

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Mayanot is a revolutionary journey of self-discovery and personal and spiritual growth.
  • Located in the heart of Jerusalem, providing a highly academic Judaic Studies program taught by dynamic staff in a welcoming atmosphere.
  • Mayanot’s unique curriculum encompasses both the intellectual and inner spiritual dimensions of Torah study.
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Masa Midrash

Masa Midrash

Estudios Judaicos ,

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Masa Beit Chana

Masa Beit Chana

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Beit Chana offers a special Chassidishe Torah-orientated Jewish learning and teaching program for students from abroad.
  • Those who complete all the obligations of the program receive a “Morot Lagolah” certificate from the government. 
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Machon Meir

Machon Meir

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • El programa tiene tres ejes principales los cuales se estudian a la vez. 
  • Existe la posibilidad de optar por estudiar todo el día solo Judaísmo o judaísmo y hebreo .  
  • El participante puede participar en clases en español o en hebreo en base a su nivel de comprensión del idioma.  
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Kitov Sachra Seminary

Kitov Sachra Seminary

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • We instill in our students the ability to acquire the highest caliber of spiritual and materialistic growth in a warm and loving environment.
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Israel Experience - Ofakim

Israel Experience - Ofakim

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • El Seminario Ofakim es un programa que permite a las niñas ultraortodoxas adquirir un alto nivel de propiedad hebrea.
  • Formación profesional en Ofakim College en diversos campos y para combinar con estudios judíos.
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Hadrat Melech

Hadrat Melech

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Liderazgo judío: el programa enfatiza que los alumnos tienen un perfil adecuado, regresan a la comunidad y desempeñan un papel de liderazgo.
  • Participación en una variedad de actividades y viajes complementarios.
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Derech Etz Chaim

Derech Etz Chaim

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Yeshivat Derech Etz Chaim is an ambitious and exciting Jewish studies program
  • that gives you the ability and confidence to carry on learning Torah independently.
  • The program offers close guidance on a continual course of growth that incorporates Torah as a means for individual development.
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Campus Chabad Migdal Haemek

Campus Chabad Migdal Haemek

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Programa único destinado a jóvenes/adolescentes judíos interesados en conocer,
  • vivir y profundizar el Judaísmo según la visión de los Batei Jabad del mundo en un ambiente familiar y personalizado.
  • Principales temas del programa: Estudio de hebreo, descubrimiento de la tierra de Israel, sus hermosos paisajes y conexión con sus raíces, valores y fuentes del pueblo judío, Líderes en comunidades judías alrededor del mundo.
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Binyan Av - Shorashenu

Binyan Av - Shorashenu

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • El Programa está diseñado para instruir jóvenes judíos de las congregaciones de habla hispana en las enseñanzas del judaísmo,
  • integrando el estudio talmúdico con amor a la tierra de Israel y a su pueblo.
  • En el transcurso del Programa los jóvenes recorren los lugares más importantes de Israel, e interactúan con los habitantes del país en diversas actividades.
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Aish Hatorah

Aish Hatorah

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Students identify with their Jewish heritage by engaging in Israeli society
  • and participating in many exciting trips exploring our holy and historic land.
  • We are dedicated to help you discover for yourself a deep appreciation of God, Judaism and the Jewish people.
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Hebrew Union College

Hebrew Union College

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Hebrew Union College requires students to spend the first year of their studies in Israel for the establishment
  • of lifelong ties vital to sustaining the living bonds between the North American and Israeli communities.
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Midreshet Lindenbaum - Darkaynu

Midreshet Lindenbaum - Darkaynu

Estudios Judaicos ,

  • Midreshet Darkaynu and Yeshivat Darkaynu, the only year-in-Israel programs in existence for young women
  • and men with special needs, provide students with a full-time social and academic program within a mainstream environment,
  • enabling them to gain independence and acquire life skills while reinforcing their ties with Israel and the Jewish people.
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Israel Outdoors NEXT – Project TEN Israel

Israel Outdoors NEXT – Project TEN Israel

Pasantías ,

  • Join our team of volunteers in Israel making an impact on society.
  • Volunteer projects are according to your own interests and
  • include opportunities for teaching, organic agriculture, sustainable living, community theater, childhood development, and special needs inclusion.
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Yahel Social Change Fellowship

Yahel Social Change Fellowship

Pasantías ,

  • The Yahel Social Change Fellowship combines hands-on volunteer work
  • with in-depth learning and immersion in local Israeli neighborhoods.
  • As a fellow, you’ll have the opportunity to work in local schools, youth centers, nonprofit organizations and community gardens.
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Masa Tlalim Next Culinary Art LATAM

Masa Tlalim Next Culinary Art LATAM

Pasantías ,

  • Culinary art - one of the most ancient in the world.
  • The ability to create a beautiful meal can be equated to art, with organized international championships,
  • exhibitions and competitions in the field of culinary and confectionery business.
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Masa - Israel Outdoors NEXT - Internship Tel Aviv

Masa - Israel Outdoors NEXT - Internship Tel Aviv

Pasantías ,

  • Develop yourself professionally and personally through this boutique, career-enhancing internship program. 
  • This program acts as a matchmaker between motivated people between the ages of 18 and 35 and internship opportunities in Tel Aviv. 
  • The program provides housing, educational programs, a dedicated staff team, Hebrew learning classes, additional professional development opportunities, and health insurance. 
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Masa - Compuskills

Masa - Compuskills

Pasantías ,

  • For over 27 years, Compuskills Professional Career Training Center prides itself on being
  • one of the greatest facilitators of high level, professional training, enabling its students to invest in themselves and in their future.
  • Compuskills' goal is to enable its students to reach their potential both spiritually and professionally.
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Masa Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company - International Dance Journey Program

Masa Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company - International Dance Journey Program

Pasantías ,

  • El programa Experiencia en Danza provee una oportunidad única para
  • vivir dentro de un ambiente de danza en el Kibutz Gaaton,
  • en donde reside la Compañía Kibutziana de Danza Contemporánea. 
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Masa - Kibbutz Ulpan

Masa - Kibbutz Ulpan

Pasantías ,

  • El programa Kibbutz Ulpan, es un programa para jóvenes entre que desean estudiar hebreo
  • durante cinco meses mientras tienen la experiencia de vivir en uno de nuestros siete
  • Kibbutzim que se encuentran en la parte Norte y en el Centro del país.
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Israel Tech Challenge

Israel Tech Challenge

Pasantías ,

  • Sourcing highly talented young professionals from around the world
  • ITC provides intensive and elite training programs inspired by the IDF’s 8200 Intelligence Unit
  • followed by incredible job opportunities in the top high-tech companies in Israel.
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Pasantías ,

  • Young Judaea Year Course, the original gap year in Israel, gives you the opportunity to step out into the world,
  • gain valuable life experience and skills, and begin the transition to independence.
  • Israel is your classroom – come and explore.
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Masa - Maslool

Masa - Maslool

Pasantías ,

  • The 4-10-month program is unique, modular approach allows participants to experience Israel in a tailored individual way
  • Participants design their own program, which can include internships, volunteering, Maguen David Adom course and volunteering, attending courses, living in the city or kibbutzim.
  • The Maslool experience is supplemented by Hebrew learning, medical insurance, support by Madrichim (counselors), tours throughout Israel and cultural activities, which allow participants to get to know each other and explore the length and breadth of Israel.
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Sachlav - Top Israel Interns

Sachlav - Top Israel Interns

Pasantías ,

  • Launch your career with Top Israel Interns. Learn from the best and gain invaluable professional experience while working in one of Israel’s most sought after internships.
  • Top Israel Interns will match you with a Placement Coordinator who will assess your interests and professional goals, and then work to ensure that you are placed in an internship which will help you achieve your career objectives.
  • Top Israel Interns also offer a Career Advancement Program, consisting of a series of workshops and lectures. These sessions are designed to give you the skills usually learned over decades of professional experience.
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Masa Israel Experience - Lej Leja

Masa Israel Experience - Lej Leja

Pasantías ,

  • ¿Soñaste con pasar cinco meses viviendo en el corazón de Tel Aviv, sumar experiencia laboral en las mejores empresas de Israel, pasear y visitar distintos lugares de Israel, recibir actividades culturales y de actualidad Israelí? ¡Lej-Leja te cumple el sueño!
  • Nuestro programa de pasantías laborales te invita a vivenciar Israel desde un enfoque laboral, ofreciéndote una pasantía en tu área profesional, y así llevarte una excelente experiencia de trabajo en Israel.
  • Nuestra coordinadora de pasantías y voluntariados te ayudará a encontrar una pasantía adecuada para ti, dentro de las más de 2000 empresas en distintas áreas con las que contamos en nuestra base de datos.
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Masa - Destination Israel - Internship Program

Masa - Destination Israel - Internship Program

Pasantías ,

  • La Experiencia de Pasantías en Tel Aviv de Destination Israel te permite venir a pasar cinco significativos y satisfactorios meses en la ciudad más vibrante y centro de negocios en Israel, mientras que serás expuesto a nuevas oportunidades profesionales.
  • Aquí tendrás la oportunidad de obtener una oferta de práctica laboral en cualquier carrera que elijas.
  • Si prefieres tomar un descanso del bullicio y ajetreo del trabajo de oficina, podrás elegir un significativo trabajo voluntario en su lugar.
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Hashomer Hatzair World Movement – Shnat

Hashomer Hatzair World Movement – Shnat

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • Shnat Hachshara is a year of personal growth and exploration in which participants learn all sorts of life skills, things about themselves, and how to negotiate life with greater independence.
  • Shnat is also about participating in a collective and about being part of a movement forum.
  • That means that the process of independence, personal growth and discovery is connected to, and supported by, the other members of the group and the madrichim (guides) of the Kvutza.
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Masa Maccabi ISE – Israel Startup Experience

Masa Maccabi ISE – Israel Startup Experience

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • Este programa está orientado para jóvenes entre 18 y 20 años.
  • Pasá 8 meses capacitándote sobre casos de éxito en el mundo emprendedor de Israel, desarrollando habilidades clave en liderazgo y negocios. 
  • Conocé y aprendé sobre la cultura del país junto al IDF (fuerzas de defensa israelí) en la Marvá y voluntarizate para salvar con Maguen David Adom, el servicio de emergencias nacional de Israel. Poné en práctica lo aprendido en los cursos de negocios y emprendedurismo durante 3 meses de pasantías en Startups o grandes empresas.
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World Bnei Akiva - Kivun

World Bnei Akiva - Kivun

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • Kivun is a year in Israel unlike any other. Become part of the fabric of Israeli culture through experiences such as Kibbutz, MDA or Marva. 
  • Grow as a Zionist, a Jew and a person through diverse learning experiences that transcend the walls of the Beit Midrash. 
  • Gain independence and real-life skills through independent living. Advance your résumé while exploring the work-force in Israel during a professional internship. 
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Masa Maccabi Gap Year

Masa Maccabi Gap Year

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • El programa Shnat Hajshará de la Unión Mundial Macabi tiene como objetivo capacitar a los futuros líderes comunitarios de nuestro movimiento,
  • fortalecer la identidad judía de los participantes, reforzar su identificación con el Estado de Israel (su sociedad en particular y el pueblo judío en general),
  • además de acompañar al participante en el proceso educativo y reflexivo propio de esta etapa de su vida.
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Hanoar Hatzioni - Shnat Hachshara

Hanoar Hatzioni - Shnat Hachshara

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • Shnat Hajshará Tnuati AMLAT – Familia Hanoar Hatzioni"  es un programa educativo que permite
  • a  miembros de la Familia "Hanoar Hatzioní" llegar al Estado de Israel para disfrutar de la experiencia máxima de estudio y capacitación,
  • tanto en contenidos como en herramientas, para que los mismos se desarrollen como los próximos lideres en sus respectivos Keinim y comunidades.
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Aardvark Israel

Aardvark Israel

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • La mision de Aardvark es fortalecer su identidad Judia y su conexion con Israel
  • atraves un ano personalizado de desarrollo profesional,
  • voluntariado, academicos, clases de Hebreo, viajes y actividades divertidas
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Israel Challenge

Israel Challenge

Shnat Hajshará / Gap Year ,

  • Israel Challenge es programa modular de Hajshara
  • que se basa en la experiencia vivencial del participante
  • donde la historia, la geografía y la sociedad israelí se conocen desde otra perspectiva
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Nuestras oficinas representantes

Anat Benjoya

Spanish Speaking Programs Advisor

Rominna Laurino Langsam

Regional Manager, Argentina and Chile

Julia Bronstein

Program Advisor, Argentina and Chile

Micaela Kujawski

Program Advisor, Argentina and Chile

Sary Fainsod

Regional Coordinator, Mexico & Central America

Shiri Davidman

Regional Coordinator, Uruguay and Paraguay

Ionna Attias

Regional Manager, Venezuela & Sheliach Sochnut in Caracas

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