About APMakers

Центр Израиля
от - 4-6 месяцев
Investment Banking
Emerging out of Israel’s reputable law firm Amit Pollak Matalon & Co. (est.1956), APMakers Innovative Capital strives to create business value through cross-sector advisory, business development and investment banking lines of practice, often taking an entrepreneurial approach, connecting the dots to initiate and drive forward business objectives, complementing those selected by our clients and partners. Here, we apply years of wisdom and experience with an innovative approach and the integrity of a reliable partner. Based on a profound understanding of the business and financial landscape in Israel and our longstanding relationships with leaders in government, finance, real estate, infrastructure, and hi-tech, APMakers Innovative Capital identifies and leads investment and acquisition opportunities, facilitates your business objectives, advises on the formation of funds, and raises capital. We work closely with entrepreneurs, fund managers and business managements across a large base of local and international investors, ranging from HNWI and family offices, via funds and fund of funds, institutional investors, corporate venture capital, banks and leading stock exchanges.

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