Masa Tlalim – Israel Outdoors NEXT – Internship Tel Aviv LATAM

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Sobre o programa

Min - Entre 4 e 6 meses
Apartamentos alugados

Develop yourself professionally and personally through this boutique, career-enhancing internship program.  This program acts as a matchmaker between motivated people between the ages of 18 and 30 and internship opportunities in Tel Aviv.  Tel Aviv is a vibrant city, with many young people from all over the world, and we provide you with the best tools to create a meaningful and fruitful experience there.  The program provides housing, educational programs, a dedicated staff team, Hebrew learning classes, additional professional development opportunities, and health insurance.  Educational and social programs happen once a week and are an integral part of this experience.  Participants come away from this program with a greater sense of professionalism, independence, a taste of what it's like to live in Tel Aviv as a local, many new connections, and much more.  The program runs in 5 month sessions from February-July 2020, August-December 2020, and January-June 2021.

Quando você vem?

*Observação: os valores que aparecem em cada programa são anteriores à aplicação da Bolsa de Estudo oferecida pelo Masa Israel

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Depois do seu programa, você...

Ganhe experiência prática

Crie redes profissionais e sociais ao longo da vida

Volte para casa com um currículo impressionante e aprimorado

Por qué esperar? Comienza ahora

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