Hebrew University – Master Programs

Hebrew University Rothberg International School
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Offered in conjunction with the Department of Bible and the Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient Near East  This two-year Master's program in Israel is designed for students who wish to study contemporary Biblical (Hebrew scriptures) studies, providing grounding in Biblical as well as Modern Hebrew. Students specialize in one of two tracks:  1. The Bible: Cultural and Historical Context. In this specialization, students study the historical, cultural, and geographical context in which the Bible was composed, as well as its impact on later cultural and historical contexts and events.  2. The Bible and the Ancient Near East. In addition to studying the Bible in its immediate regional context, students acquire a sound knowledge of the history and culture of the Ancient Near East, including the study of Akkadian. (Students may also choose to study other ancient languages, such as Egyptian, Ugartic, or Greek.)  The M.A. program consists of 42 credits over four consecutive semesters, including required courses in Biblical Hebrew, Akkadian, History and Culture of the Ancient Near East, and Introduction to Biblical Literature, as well as elective courses and tutorials. Group tutorials are offered in Biblical Aramaic and Targum Onqalos.  

For more information contact: contactus@mail.huji.ac.il

Study Tracks

International M.A. in Education – Spanish program

Programa de Maestría Semipresencial con especialidad en Educación Judía (Programa en Español y Portugués).
Este es un programa internacional de maestría,, sin tesis, diseñado para educadores, tanto en marcos educativos formales como informales, que estén interesados en profesionalizarse en educación judía y su diálogo con las ciencias sociales, la filosofía educativa y los estudios judíos e israelíes.
Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de estudiar con los profesores del Centro Melton y disfrutar de los recursos académicos de la Universidad Hebrea. El programa tiene uno o dos años de duración, según la carga que los estudiantes elijan.
La Maestría consta de 36 créditos, de los cuales 26 créditos se ofrecerán como cursos a distancia: dos o cuatro semestres impartidos en línea (los cursos a distancia incluyen algunas clases sincrónicas vía ZOOM) 4 créditos se ofrecerán en un semestre intensivo de invierno vía zoom (en Febrero); y 6 créditos presenciales en la Universidad Hebrea en forma de un semestre de verano intensivo de dos semanas.
Los estudiantes de MASA estarán estudiando uno o más cursos en el Campus durante el semestre de primavera.
El programa incluye cursos obligatorios y electivos. Cada estudiante puede construir su propio programa de acuerdo a sus intereses académicos y personales.

International MedTech Innovation (MBA)

Explore emerging global business trends in pharmaceutical, diagnostic, medical devices and digital health in the development of sustainable business models. Learn to conduct research, explore the opportunity and the challenges in the Med Tech sector to bring a product to the global markets. All that while exploring the Israeli “Start Up Nation” ecosystem by being an intern in an Israeli company, and meet with business leaders from Israel’s Med Tech industry during site visits. One year accelerated MBA program (2 semesters + TIP Summer program is optional).

Archaeology in the Land of the Bible (MA)

The Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology in conjunction with the Rothberg International School offers a degree combining formal classroom studies and hands-on field experience at excavations and surveys. The M.A. in Archaeology in the Land of the Bible examines the history and culture of ancient Israel during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Students will acquire proficiency in the academic fields of archaeology, ancient texts, and ancient languages.

International Bio Medicine Graduate Program (MSc)

The program is divided into two parts: research and courses.
Research: The program offers variety of research topics as: stem cells, virology, mineralized tissues, bone, biofilm, microbiology, immunology, virology, cartilage, developmental biology, cell movement, tissue engineering, epigenetics, cancer, and oral diseases.
Courses: Core courses in the areas of: biology, immunology, microbiology, physiology and biotechnology. All courses are in English. 28 credits are required to graduate.

Students are eligible for a monthly scholarship pending on their scores in the BSc studies.

International M.A. in Education – English Program

Masters Blended Program specializing in Jewish Education (English Program).
This is an international, non-thesis M.A. program, designed for educators, in both formal and informal educational frameworks who are interested in Jewish Education and its dialogue with the Social Sciences, Educational Philosophy, and Jewish and Israel Studies. The program is intended primarily for educators abroad who, for any reason, are not able to spend a long period of time in Jerusalem. Participants will have the opportunity to study with the Melton Centre faculty and enjoy the academic resources of Hebrew University. The program is designed for students to finish in either one or two years, depending on the course load they choose.
The M.A. consists of 36 credits, of which 26 credits will be offered as distance courses: two or four semesters taught online via distance learning (Distance-learning courses include some synchronous classes to be led by ZOOM) 4 credits will be offered as a four-week intensive winter semester taught by zoom; and 6 credits on-site at Hebrew University in the form of a two-week, intensive Summer Semester.
MASA students will be studying one or more courses on Campus throughout the spring semester.
The program includes mandatory and elective courses. Each student can build his or her own program according to his or her academic and personal interests.

Jewish Studies (MA)

Study with top faculty to gain a solid foundation and broad understanding of the field. Choose from courses in textual studies, history, philosophy, language, and culture ranging from late antiquity through the modern period. An optional Religious Studies Track is available. One year program.

Human Rights and International Law (LLM)

Develop academic and practical expertise in conflict transformation, conflict resolution, problem solving, and negotiation. Our program emphasizes the sources of domestic and external conflicts – both in general and in Israel specifically. It explores the methods, techniques, and strategies that can help manage and resolve these conflicts. One year program.

Nonprofit Management and Leadership (MA)

Join a team of leaders in the nonprofit world to gain cutting-edge skills as well as theoretical and practical knowledge in management, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Two optional specialization tracks are available: the Tikkun Olam social action and coexistence program, which includes an internship and enrichment program in Tel Aviv or Jaffa; or the Global Leadership Institute enrichment program with the Jewish Agency for Israel, which offers experiential leadership training. One year program.

Bible and the Ancient Near East (MA)

Study in the leading master’s program in the field! Our only two-year master’s program is dedicated to contemporary Biblical studies and provides a foundation in both Biblical and Modern Hebrew. You will specialize in one of two tracks: The Bible: Cultural and Historical Context, or The Bible and the Ancient Near East. This program is a gateway to doctoral studies at top institutions around the world. Two year program.

Inbound MA exchange students

Consistently ranked as one of the Top 100 universities in the world, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem offers world-class exchange programs for partner university students interested in broadening their horizons while receiving outstanding theoretical and practical education.
Join the ranks of exchange students from partner universities around the globe who have immersed themselves in rich Israeli culture, the historical landmarks of Jerusalem, the night life, cuisine, touring and friendly companionship of fellow local and international students as they study and excel in Israel’s leading university.

Environmental Quality Sciences (MSc)

12 Month Program in Environmental Quality Sciences.
• Understand and address the challenges of global environmental issues, such as alternative water and energy resources, water and soil pollution treatment, waste recycling, agricultural intensification, environmentally-sustainable pest control and plant protection.
• Benefit from the experience of leading scientists in environmental quality sciences.
• Take part in innovative, groundbreaking research in the lab.
• Acquire practical knowledge and hands-on experience.
• Enjoy an international atmosphere, site visits, field trips and cultural events.

Smart Cities and Urban Informatics (MA)

Smart Cities and Urban Informatics (SCUI) is a unique 1-year (2 semester), English language, 32- credit MA program offered to primarily to international students. The Goal of the Program is to equip a new generation of urbanists (planners, analysts and policy makers) with the requisite tool box for addressing the Smart City. This includes both the hands-on analytical skills and the critical faculties to address the current and anticipated future challenges posed by Smart Cities. The Hebrew University aspires to become a leader in this field, in which prospects for growth worldwide seem unbounded (autonomous vehicles and drones, volunteered geographic information, the Internet of Things etc).

Glocal international development studies (MA)

Glocal International Development is an International MA Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences at HUJI. Inspired by a global perspective, Glocal offers its students theoretical knowledge together with practical local solutions, conducive to empowering communities in need across the globe. Glocal’s unique approach builds on a strong academic 14-month curriculum drawing on a variety of social science disciplines, followed by a practical 4-month internship spent in international organizations working with local communities in the Global South or in Israel.
Each cohort consists of 25-30 students, coming from all around the world. Employing interactive teaching methods, students learn both from highly acclaimed academics but also from their fellow students on development practices and experiences around the world. Interested students are welcome to specialise in the field of Gender and development through a unique specialization track. Additionally, a select number of excellent students each year undertake the Glocal research track.

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MA)

Deepen your knowledge of this dynamic region of strategic importance. Courses span the topics of religion, politics, societies, history, and cultures in this intensive program. Emphasis is placed on the modern history of the Middle East. Study of Literary Arabic through the advanced level. One year program.

Israel Studies (MA)

Take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the study of Israel, including its history, politics, anthropology, culture, and religion. Gain cutting-edge academic knowledge about Israel’s political system, sociological complexity, internal dynamics, and geopolitical role. One year program.

Human Rights and Transitional Justice (MA)

Choose from more than 20 academic courses with top legal experts from Israel, Europe, and North America. Gain a theoretical understanding of the field and study relevant cases from historical and comparative perspectives. One year program.

International StartUp 360° MBA

Explore emerging global business trends through data analysis and the development of sustainable business models. Learn to create services and products for global markets and have the opportunity to explore the Israeli business world. Intern in an Israeli company, and meet with business leaders from Israel’s hi-tech industry during site visits. One year program.

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*Observação: os valores que aparecem em cada programa são anteriores à aplicação da Bolsa de Estudo oferecida pelo Masa Israel

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